Making therapy work for you


Does life feel like it’s getting on top of you?
Could you benefit from a place to take some time-out?

Whilst exploring this website are you asking yourself if counselling and talking to someone will help?

Let me try and answer this for you.

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) recommends some types of therapy as evidence-based treatments for particular mental health problems , for example cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) for depression and anxiety.

To make therapy work for you, can depend on your feelings about therapy generally.

What do you need help with? And the relationship between you and your therapist.

This last point is very important. If you don't like or trust your therapist you are less likely to feel comfortable to open up, and less likely to have a positive experience.
I believe the relationship is paramount, and in addition to this my role is to empower you to find your own answers in a safe and confidential environment.

Self-care is how you take your power back
— Lalah Delia

I work with individuals on an open-ended basis or for an agreed time period, with the aim of enabling you to enhance your life and to live it more fully.

I hope this helps answer this specific question. If not, please feel free to contact me on the relevant links.

Just to re-emphasise, all discussions will be in confidence.